Friday, December 5, 2008

Phishing Scam 801-649-5020


United States of America (Press Release) December 5, 2008 -- The unsolicited text message I received read as follows:

Capital One Alert: Your CARD has been DEACTIVATED. Please contact us at 801-649-5020 to REACTIVATE your CARD.

I called the phone number and it was an computerized voice recording asking to reactivate my card or to change the pin number. So I went with it since I DO NOT OWN A CAPITAL ONE CARD. I entered 4123456789012345 and for the expiration I put 1111 and for the security
code on the back I put 123. It verified that my card had been reactivated. How odd in that that is an invalid card number and that I don't own their card.

I then added a FRAUD ALERT on my credit file by calling: 1-800-525-6285.

Apparently, this scam is out to collect credit card information, PIN numbers etc. Please be forewarned!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Successful Payment For Deletion Story

In November of 2006 I had to go the the Emergency Room. My insurance didn't cover about $252.00 of the bill. I never paid the bill and it went to collections.

It was returned to Mountain Land Collections and Attorney Quinn Kofford to collect on it. I received the initial collection notice to which I responded with a validation of the debt request. They sent a copy of the signed medical admission papers that I signed. They then served me with judgment papers to which I responded to the court directly with a statement that stated I was made to sign under duress in order to get the medical attention I needed, and that because I was under duress I should not be held liable for the bill.

I was later served with a pretrial notice because I responded to the judgment. I appeared at the pretrial hearing and the Law Office of Quinn Kofford and his assistants were there. There was a good group of us debtors in the waiting area outside the court room. Quinn asked how many of us were there for Mountain Land Collections, about 10 or so people raised their hands. They then numbered us off and had us go off into a little side-room, where they Pretty much tried to muscle us into "lets make a deal". They were wanting to get payment arrangements of like $25.00 per month set up etc. I sat down with one of the female assistants and she right away tried to make a deal with me. I promptly told her that I was not going to pay the debt because I don't feel I am responsible for the debt. She proceeded to question me along the lines of "so you don't think you should pay for medical services rendered to you?" I responded I didn't have a choice, I could have died or sign the consent. I kept on refusing to make a deal with her. She threatened to take this to trial, I indicated that I really didn't care if it went to trial, I am not going to pay this debt. She got frustrated and referred me to the attorney.

So Quinn sits down next to me and is trying to make a deal with me. I still refuse to make a deal with him. Then he says that I need to understand that he is the opposing attorney and after looking at my case, and what my argument is, he will win if this goes to trial. I acted indifferent still. He then said he could discount his fees and interest and make a payment deal. I told him that the only way I was going to pay anything is if I was to get a payment for deletion agreement first. He asked what that was. I explained the process to him. and I also told him that I work in the credit repair industry. He wasn't sure that it was possible, I assured him that it is possible and I explained exactly how it works.

I also told him that the marks on my credit report are already at an R9 which is the maximum damage it can get. he agreed, And I let him know that there really isn't any motivation for me to pay if that won't change. He agreed. He said he will present the idea to the creditor and see if they are willing to agree to the payment for deletion. He also told me that he has been doing this for 15 years and he has never heard of this approach before.

Today I got a call from their law office, I returned their call, and they said that they are willing to do the payment for deletion agreement AFTER I pay them in full. I refused that deal. I told them that I need the agreement first or else how am I to trust that you will delete it after the payment has been made? She said that If they say they will do it, they will do it. I disagreed. She then told me that "I'll talk to my office manager about it, but it looks like it will go to trial". I said Ok.

They called me back about 20 minutes later and they said that they would agree to put a paragraph in the repayment agreement that states that upon repayment they will agree to delete it off of my credit reports. I said great.

So now I am awaiting the deal to come in the mail to sign and deliver back to them.

What I learned is that if you are served with a judgment, it is to your advantage to respond to it and at least state your side of the story. I also learned that the attorney will schedule all of his collection accounts to appear at the court at the same time to save them hassles of returning multiple times. I also learned that they will then hustle you for a quick and easy deal that usually only benefits them. I also learned that if you don't understand how the credit and collections game is played and if you don't understand your consumer rights, the collectors will walk all over you to their advantage. I also learned that if you go in to the court or negotiating arena knowing exactly what you want to get out of it (in this case, payment for deletion), and hold your ground regardless of their intimidation, it's likely you will succeed with achieving your goal.

It is definitely not for the faint of heart, but it works.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Is America Looking The Wrong Direction AGAIN?

The economy is on its knees, begging for mercy. Our financial institutions are in falling like flies. American's trust in the economy and trust in the government are at an all time low.

Do we realize that we are now primed for a devastating terrorist attack? Is America ramping up its vigilance? Is national security on people's minds? My prayer is that I would hope so. But since I haven't heard any news or any rumors at all about keeping up our national security, my fear is that we are sitting ducks, primed for a far more devastating terrorist attack than September 11. What better opportunity would a group have to attack a country they hate? Hitting us when we are on our knees financially, I'm afraid, could tip us into a full-blown depression; and ruin our country.

America is notorious for being a reactive rather than being a PROACTIVE nation. The proof is in front of us every day. We have known for years that the sub prime mortgages were going to catch up to us someday, yet we did nothing about it, until the bottom fell out of the market. Now we are in REACT mode trying to fix so many years of bad judgment and shoddy financial products. Prior to September 11, America knew of Osama bin Laden. Had him in our sites even. We were not proactive. We all know how that turned out.

I am afraid that we are in an extremely vulnerable position now for devastating terror attacks. America, I believe, is more concerned with the current economic crisis and is completely oblivious to another potential 9-11 scale of attack.

Now is the time for American vigilance. Now is the time to ramp up security. Now is the time to be looking at the "unimaginable" scenarios- looking where we have never thought to look before.

Now is the time to pray we are not attacked.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Don't Forget To Cut Uncle Sam In On Your Illicit Earnings

Note: I am not condoning in any way illegal activity. The following post is based on my observations.

Enter our "poster-boy" for criminal tax evasion: Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone (January 17, 1899 – January 25, 1947).

Capone was notorious during the Prohibition Era for his control of large portions of the Chicago underworld, which provided the Outfit with an estimated US $10 million per year in revenue.

Although never successfully convicted of racketeering charges, Capone's criminal career ended in 1931, when he was indicted and convicted by the federal government for income tax evasion.

Interesting to note: his business card reportedly described him as a used furniture dealer.

Forward to present day:

If you're going to be dealing in drugs, sale of stolen goods, extortion, or any number of illegal business ventures, make sure your wealthy lifestyle is congruent with what you claim as your employment.

Here's where your problem lies: The last job you had was flipping burgers at McDonald's, and you haven't filed a tax return in 5 or 6 years, but you're living in a million dollar house, driving a $75,000 Hummer.

When your county tax assessor comes around to measure your house for property tax purposes, these lifestyle vs income "incongruencies" will be made obvious. How will you be able to rationalize to the IRS how you are living this wealthy lifestyle when the last job you filed taxes on was a burger flipper. Good luck with that one!

The solution:

Get organized and pay your taxes! With getting organized, Set yourself up as a legitimate business. File you Articles of Incorporation to create a corporation. or file Articles of Organization to create an LLC (Limited Liability Company). This will also separate you legally from your "business assets". If you have dealers, runners, spotters, etc. set them up as "employees" create an ADP account for payroll. Remember, most of your outgoing expenses will be tax-deductable; which will minimize the actual amount you pay to the IRS. File your quarterly and annual taxes on schedule and accurately.

My point in all this is you can pretty much deal in anything you want as long as on paper you appear legitimate. At least it will divert the gaze of Uncle Sam.

Oh yeah, don't forget to read up on the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations)act of October 15, 1970. It's the law that Rudolph "Rudi" Giuliani used to bring to justice key organized crime figures. Regardless of how "legitimate" you look on the outside and on paper, you could still be hit with a RICO suit and thrown in the clink for a good long time!

When all is said and done, DON'T BREAK THE DAMN LAW!! you'll always lose eventually.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Whose Dreams Are You Working For Anyway?

I don't know about you, but when I wake up the first thing that I think is NOT "oh wow, how can I make my boss more money today?" It's probably more like "oh hell, I gotta go to work again today so I can pay the bills".

One of my favorite authors and speakers, Jim Rohn, has a saying: "Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard at your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune."

When is the last time you knew of a really wealthy EMPLOYEE? It's been a while hasn't it? Or if you're like me, NOT AT ALL. The business you work for will pay you just enough to survive, pay the bills and that's about it. I suppose if you were an avid investor of stocks and other securities, you might be able to become wealthy. Probably after about 30 years or so.

I finally realized this fact and began asking myself the question, "whose dreams am I working for anyway?" I have done a ton of reading, listening to seminars, soul-searching and questioning. Then I started writing. I first wrote "The 25 Rules For Success, Wealth & Happiness." This book that I have been selling successfully is basically the 25 common laws of success and achievement. These are the rules that have been constant since the beginning of humanity and intellectual thought. They are as true then as they are now.

Then I started studying business and entrepreneurship and started creating small business ventures and really understanding how business works. I then started writing a book about how to create your own business. I found that the help and training I received from the Small Business Development Center was a good start but it was really sub par and I needed much more information, I read and studied for years and got the knowledge I was seeking. I added all of that information in the book, "Self Employment 101."

By the way, all of the E-Books I have written are available to check out from this site.

In the end, I was able to successfully shift my paradigm (the way I see the world)from being an EMPLOYEE, to being a BUSINESS OWNER and have been very successful at it.

Nothing will change for you until you start to seriously ask yourself, "whose dreams am I working for anyway?"

If you're not completely clear on what you want, check out some of my E-Book resources on this blog.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

All Of Our E-Books Have Been Price Slashed!

Dear Surfers,

All of our e-books have been reduced in price. This is a TEMPORARY PROMOTION ONLY! We are new on the blog scene and we want everyone to check out our site and to sample our E-Book catalog. We encourage you to place comments on everything about this site, POSITIVE and NEGATIVE comments are welcomed.

Thank you,

New Revolution Ventures

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sell The US Presidency On Ebay....Why Not?

Presidential elections. Big Deal! So I'm still wondering why my vote is sooooo important? The fact is that your vote for president isn't worth the paper its printed on or nowadays the wiring the electronic ballot is transmitted through! I happen to come from a state where 5 old white men get to "decide my popular opinion/vote". I am referring to the Electoral College system of voting in a new president.

Here are some shocking FACTS:

In the elections of 1824, 1876, 1888, and 2000, the candidate who received a plurality of the popular vote did not become president. The 1824 election was eventually decided by Congress and thus distinct from the last three which were decided without. It has also been argued that the 1960 election was lost by the candidate receiving the most popular votes.

Source-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what they are telling us is, "hey pal, your vote is just a popular opinion poll. We wouldn't leave such an important decision to the commoners." After all, its relatively easy to BUY OFF the few votes needed in the Electoral College. It is a proven flawed and corrupt system. So I would love for one of the presidential candidates to answer truthfully, the question of why should I vote for a president when, in the end, the Electoral College makes the final decision anyway, regardless of the popular vote?

Ok then, let's take this to the next level. Apparently, one of the MAJOR success markers of a campaign is in the amount of fund raising, I know this because we all see in the news reports dollars raised by candidates. It also seems that the candidates who are able to raise the most money typically win the election. So let's just go down this "slippery slope" for a minute. If our vote obviously means nothing, and the person who raises the most money typically wins, then, hell, why not just cut-to-the-chase and use Ebay auctions to choose the next president?! The candidates wouldn't have to waste their time running all over the country in this huge fervor drumming up votes that don't count anyway. No fund raiser luncheons or dinners. They would simply post a $2.50 auction on Ebay, present their political platforms in the Product Description and all of the corporations and special interest groups that fund these campaigns anyway could sit comfortably in their offices and "buy" the president. Because "buying the president" is what they are doing anyway when they donate large sums of money to a campaign, my proposed method is just simply saving them from having to leave their office at all.

So as we sit back in our easy-chair watching all the posturing between candidates going on before our eyes, on the evening news, just remember: your presidential vote means nothing, cash is king and the whole deal could be completed in a weeks time, with the same outcome, with a simple Ebay auction

Sports Fans Who Act As Though They Own The Team

I'm not a sports fan AT ALL, but I find it very amusing to observe die-hard sports fans. A few things I have noticed of them:

They tend to talk as though they OWN the team, I was listening to the radio today and they were commenting on things such as "our offense____", or "we lost (a players name)". I really don't understand this mind set. They also know the teams line up like the back of their hands, they have their stats memorized, then they proceed to debate that "their" team is going to cream this team or that team because (then they proceed to quote players on injured lists, poor performers or whatever). Ya know, they act as though they are an independent PAID consultant for the team and that their knowledge base actually matters to the game! I have gotten many-O-days of silent laughter as the break room debates rage on about one team or another.

So here's my take on the whole sports [over] enthusiast debate: "Fellas, these athletes are HUMAN not machines. They don't have a list of 'specs' from the factory on the box or, in this case, tattooed on their ass. So your star player breaks their thumb in some crazy play. Oops, I guess all your fervent debate was all for naught. Or what if they are in the middle of a nasty divorce or a family member just died? Those things could throw a game WAY OFF. Oh yeah, and most importantly, ITS JUST A DAMN GAME!!! I mean, I have no problem with people enjoying the sport for pure enjoyment sake, I don't even have a problem with people gambling on game outcomes, but I do laugh my ass off when people get in such fervent debates as though they have a direct phone line to the team manager as if their strategies, debate and posturing even matter to the team.

So just save your breath, your time and most of all, your blood pressure and just enjoy the game for what it is--- A GAME!!!

30 Check Out Booths In Wal-Mart And 6 VERY LONG Lines (Save Money, Waste Time)

I'm standing in the check out line at my local Wal-Mart, its the height of the Christmas shopping season, we are all in a big rush to get out of the store and on with our evening. My wife and I have a cart with a few thing in it and now we are looking for a check out stand with as little wait as possible. As we walk past the few cues of people waiting for their cashier, I notice that there are 30 check out stations and only 6 were being used! All with lines of at least 7 people. This phenomenon has always puzzled me, I would frequently ask my self "why is it that they build 30 register stations when there will never be a time where all 30 are in use at any one time?" I have speculated that each of those register stations must cost the company at least $10,000 to build. That's $300,000 in equipment and space that is never fully utilized.

So in my frustration, I dial 411 on my cell phone while I am cued up in an line. I get the operator to connect me to the very Wal-Mart which I am standing in. The clerk in the Wal-Mart answers the phone and I immediately ask for a manager. The manager gets on the phone and I ask him why is it that they have 30 registers and only 6 are in use? He responded that they are doing the best they can. I asked if there is anytime where all 30 registers are in use at once? He said well, during Christmas and on the weekdays. I told him well its Christmas and a weekday, so what's going on? "Well, we're doing our best" he says. So I ended the call with "well just mark this down as another pissed off customer."

Moments later, over the PA system, they announced for all associates to go to their registers. Too little, too late, the lines were already out of control.

So I pose this question to anyone in retail such as Wal-Mart and Target, where the stores are enormous, and there are a minimum of 30 check out stations. Are there times when ALL 30 check out stations are in use? If so, when and how often?

In the mean time, I'll keep that Wal-Mart's phone number on speed dial so that I can help the managers "earn their money" while I waste my time in their under-utilized check out system.

What do most businesses want, but they don’t have, and are willing to pay money for?

The short answer to the above question is "access". Every company no matter how big, small or developing has THAT ONE contact, that DREAM CONTACT, that they wish they could have access to, but for what ever reason, they don't.

The following techniques pioneered by one of my business mentors Michael A. Boylan, will describe how I was able to contact and get the attention of the major world oil producers.

At the center of the technique is a very powerful letter writing method called the Circle Of Leverage. The Idea behind the Circle Of Leverage is leveraging human relationships within companies as well as outside direct competitor companies to capture the attention of the decision makers you are seeking to grant you meetings with them.

Your Circle Of Leverage letter must answer these essential eleven questions:

1. Who are you?

2. What do you do?

3. Why are you sending this to me?

4. Who else are you sending this message to?

5. What's this about?

6. What do you want from me?

7. When do you want it?

8. How long will it take?

9. Who needs to be involved?

10. How will it benefit my organization?

11. Who else do you do this for?

This style of letter writing acts upon your prospect's 4 key engagers:

1. Your Prospect's Fear of Loss:

*Of their job.

*Of a possible promotion.

*Of credibility.

*Of respect from their superiors.

*Of respect from their peers and equals.

*Of power.

*Of authority.

*Of trust.

*Of responsibility.

2. Your Prospect's Curious Insecurities:

*Who else is involved?

*What kind of exposure is this getting?

*Who else is paying attention?

*Should I be paying attention?

*What if this is important?

3. Your Prospect's Competitiveness:

*Toward competing firms.

*Toward other divisions or units within their own firm.

*Toward equals within their company.

*Toward insubordinates who are bucking for their job.

4. Your Prospect's Desire To Be A Serious Player:

*Within their own organization.

*Within their unit or division.

*Among their peers.

*Within their industry.

*In their boss's eyes.

Sample Circle Of Leverage letter utilizing INTERNAL leverage points only:

Your name


Your company name


Dear (first name only),

You don't know me, and I don't have any credibility or prior business relationship with you or your company.

(internal leverage paragraph)

As (insert your title and area of responsibility here..i.e.founder, CEO, President, Manager, Account Executive, etc.) of (insert name of your company and where you are headquartered), I am writing to you, (insert first and last name of leverage point #1), (insert first and last name of leverage point #2), (insert first and last name of leverage point #3), (insert first and last name of leverage point #4), (insert first and last name of leverage point #5), and (insert first and last name of leverage point #6), because I am looking for the most appropriate, correct, key senior executives to deal with in regard to scheduling a (insert your desired request for access here...i.e. 30-minute in-person appointment) on (insert specific dates, or within the next two to three weeks) to present what we call our "Capabilities Presentation" -an overview of how we can help you: (list here the specific, tangible, net benefits you or your product or service can provide the prospect).

Our business is helping people in your industry to (_____). The net benefits we deliver are (_______), (_______), and (_______). Some of the customers we have helped are (insert names of companies in direct competition to your target prospect). IF YOU HAVE NONE, LEAVE THIS SENTENCE OUT.

Our key point of difference is (_______), and therefore we are proud of our position at the (_______).

In an effort to be a good steward of your time, we've already done some background research on your company and understand from reading your (annual report, 10K, 10Q, and or other information) that your near-term goals are to (list here the pertinent goals and objectives of the prospect company that your offer can help them address. This proves to your prospect that you are serious about wanting access. You've done your homework and know what you are talking about).

If you grant me the appointment, what I will present is (List the rough agenda that you will be presenting. This is so the prospect understands what they are signing up for if they grant you access. This also communicates that you are organized and prepared).

When I follow up with your executive assistant in the next two to four days, I do not need to speak with you. Please let your assistant to know if you wish to schedule (insert your request for access here) and what times work best for you, so we can schedule it through him/her.

Thank you for your time. I will follow up shortly with your executive assistant to learn if you have seen this letter and if you wish to grant our request for a (request for access).

I hope to meet you soon.

Personal regards,


Your Name


Company Name

Sample Circle Of Leverage letter utilizing INTERNAL and EXTERNAL leverage points:

Your name


Your company name


Dear (first name only),

You don't know me, and I don't have any credibility or prior business relationship with you or your company.

(internal leverage paragraph)

As (insert your title and area of responsibility here..i.e.founder, CEO, President, Manager, Account Executive, etc.) of (insert name of your company and where you are headquartered), I am writing to you, (insert first and last name of leverage point #1), (insert first and last name of leverage point #2), (insert first and last name of leverage point #3), (insert first and last name of leverage point #4), (insert first and last name of leverage point #5), and (insert first and last name of leverage point #6), because I am looking for the most appropriate, correct, key senior executives to deal with in regard to scheduling a (insert your desired request for access here...i.e. 30-minute in-person appointment) on (insert specific dates, or within the next two to three weeks) to present what we call our "Capabilities Presentation" -an overview of how we can help you: (list here the specific, tangible, net benefits you or your product or service can provide the prospect).


This exact letter has also been sent to very specific, key senior executives of exactly your level of power, authority, title and scope of responsibility at (list the company names of 2 or more direct competitors of your target prospect company). Why? Because we know we can benefit them in the same way we can benefit you. They're receiving this very same letter at roughly the same time you are receiving yours. We expect to be meeting with the senior executives within these companies as well, (when...i.e. within the next two to three weeks) to present them our "Capabilities Presentation."

Our business is helping people in your industry to (_____). The net benefits we deliver are (_______), (_______), and (_______). Some of the customers we have helped are (insert names of companies in direct competition to your target prospect). IF YOU HAVE NONE, LEAVE THIS SENTENCE OUT.

Our key point of difference is (_______), and therefore we are proud of our position at the (_______).

In an effort to be a good steward of your time, we've already done some background research on your company and understand from reading your (annual report, 10K, 10Q, and or other information) that your near-term goals are to (list here the pertinent goals and objectives of the prospect company that your offer can help them address. This proves to your prospect that you are serious about wanting access. You've done your homework and know what you are talking about).

If you grant me the appointment, what I will present is (List the rough agenda that you will be presenting. This is so the prospect understands what they are signing up for if they grant you access. This also communicates that you are organized and prepared).

When I follow up with your executive assistant in the next two to four days, I do not need to speak with you. Please let your assistant to know if you wish to schedule (insert your request for access here) and what times work best for you, so we can schedule it through him/her.

Thank you for your time. I will follow up shortly with your executive assistant to learn if you have seen this letter and if you wish to grant our request for a (request for access).

I hope to meet you soon.

Personal regards,


Your Name


Company Name


You will be mailing these letters as one large mailing at the same time. This ensures that your recipients receive their letters at about the same time, which increases the power and effectiveness of the leverage.

Just In Case You Ever Wondered What Frequency Your Communication Devices Operate At

The following are the band frequencies that our various communication devices operate at. I hope you find them interesting or maybe even useful.

Aeronautical/Maritime9 KHz - 535 KHz
AM radio535 KHz - 1,700 KHz
Shortwave radio5.9 MHz - 26.9 MHz
Citizen's Band (CB)26.96 MHz - 27.41 MHz
TV stations 2-654 MHz - 88 MHz
FM radio88 MHz - 108 MHz
TV stations 7-13174 MHz - 220 MHz
Cell phones CDMA824 MHz - 849 MHz
Cell phones GSM869 MHz - 894 MHz
Air Traffic Control960 MHz - 1,215 MHz
GPS1,227 MHz - 1,575 MHz
Cell phones PCS1,850 MHz - 1,990 MHz


CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access describes a communication channel access principle that employs spread-spectrum technology and a special coding scheme (where each transmitter is assigned a code). In communications technology, there are only three domains that can allow multiplexing to be implemented for more efficient use of the available channel bandwidth and these domains are known as time, frequency and space. CDMA divides the access in signal space. By contrast, time division multiple access (TDMA) divides access by time, while frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) divides it by frequency. CDMA is a form of "spread-spectrum" signaling, since the modulated coded signal has a much higher bandwidth than the data being communicated.

An analogy to the problem of multiple access is a room (channel) in which people wish to communicate with each other. To avoid confusion, people could take turns speaking (time division), speak at different pitches (frequency division), or speak in different directions (spatial division). In CDMA, they would speak different languages. People speaking the same language can understand each other, but not other people. Similarly, in radio CDMA, each group of users is given a shared code. Many codes occupy the same channel, but only users associated with a particular code can understand each other.

Interestingly, CDMA is based on a patent granted in 1942 to two people-one of which was world famous actress Hedy Lamarr. Lamarr, probably best known for doing one of the first nude scenes in a major motion picture, worked with a partner-composer George Antheil-on a system that would make radio controlled torpedoes more difficult to detect through an early version of frequency hopping. Their system was inspired by the mechanical rolls that make self playing pianos work.

CDMA is also the current name for the cellular technology originally known as IS-95. Developed by Qualcomm and enhanced by Ericsson, CDMA is characterized by high capacity and small cell radius.

CDMA also refers to digital cellular telephony systems that use this multiple access scheme, as pioneered by QUALCOMM, and W-CDMA by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which is used in GSM’s UMTS.

CDMA has been used in many communications and navigation systems, including the Global Positioning System and the OmniTRACS satellite system for transportation logistics.


PCS = personal communications service) is a wireless phone service similar to cellular telephone service but emphasizing personal service and extended mobility.

The "personal" in PCS distinguishes this service from cellular by emphasizing that, unlike cellular, which was designed for car phone use and coverage of highways and roads, PCS is designed for greater user mobility. It generally requires more cell transmitters for coverage, but has the advantage of fewer blind spots. Technically, cellular systems in the United States operate in the 824-849 megahertz (MHz) frequency bands; PCS operates in the1850-1990 MHz bands.

Several technologies are used for PCS in the United States, including Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), and Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication. GSM is more commonly used in Europe and elsewhere.

GPS = The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Utilizing a constellation of at least 24 Medium Earth Orbit satellites that transmit precise microwave signals, the system enables a GPS receiver to determine its location, speed, direction, and time. Other similar systems are the Russian GLONASS (incomplete as of 2007) and the upcoming European Galileo positioning system.

Developed by the United States Department of Defense, GPS is officially named NAVSTAR GPS (Contrary to popular belief, NAVSTAR is not an acronym, but simply a name given by Mr. John Walsh, a key decision maker when it came to the budget for the GPS program).[1] The satellite constellation is managed by the United States Air Force 50th Space Wing. The cost of maintaining the system is approximately US$750 million per year,[2] including the replacement of aging satellites, and research and development.

Following the shootdown of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983, President Ronald Reagan issued a directive making the system available for free for civilian use as a common good.[3] Since then, GPS has become a widely used aid to navigation worldwide, and a useful tool for map-making, land surveying, commerce, and scientific uses. GPS also provides a precise time reference used in many applications including scientific study of earthquakes, and synchronization of telecommunications networks.


If The Credit Bureaus Have Done You Wrong, Here Are A Few People To Complain To

This Information is accurate as of January 15, 2008.

701 Experian Parkway,
Allen TX 75013
866 912 3785

John Peace

Don Robert
Chief Executive Officer

Paul Brooks
Global Chief Financial Officer

Fabiola Arredondo
Non-Executive Director

Laurence Danon
Non-Executive Director

Roger Davis
Non-Executive Director

Sean FitzPatrick
Non-Executive Director

Alan Jebson
Non-Executive Director

Sir Alan Rudge
Non-Executive Director

David Tyler
Non-Executive Director

Chris Callero
Chief Executive, Experian Americas

Richard Fiddis
Managing Director, Emerging Markets Development

Nigel Fine
Managing Director, EMEA

Victor Nichols
Group President, Experian Interactive

Tiku Patel
Managing Director, UK and Ireland

Ken Sansom
Managing Director, Asia Pacific

Elio Vitucci
Managing Director, Experian Decision Analytics


Equifax Inc.
1550 Peachtree Street, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Richard (Rick) F. Smith

Lee Adrean

Dann Adams

Andy Bodea

Bill Canfield

Jeffrey L. Dodge

Steve Ely

Joseph M. ("Trey") Loughran

Kent E. Mast

Rudy Ploder

Rajib Roy

Coretha Rushing

Michael S. Shannon

Paul Springman

Robert J. Webb


TransUnion LLC
555 W. Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60661

Siddarth N. "Bobby" Mehta

John Blenke
Corporate General Counsel

David Emery
Chief Operating Officer

Jeff Hellinga
President, U.S. Information Services

Peter Hoversten
EVP & Chief Information Officer, U.S. Information Services

Mary Krupka
Executive VP, Human Resources

Mike Dealy
President, Real Estate Services

Mark Marinko
Executive VP, Consumer Solutions

Scott Schubert
Chief Financial Officer

Ralph Sorice
President, International

Understanding Your Social Security Number

The nine-digit number has been used since 1936 to track a person’s wages for the purpose of accruing benefits within the Social Security Administration. The number has three sections:

Area numbers
The first three digits of the SSN are called the area numbers. This is because they originally corresponded to the state that a person lived in at the time they were issued their SSN. Beginning in 1972, the area numbers began being assigned based upon the zip code in the mailing address to which the individual requested his or her card to be sent. Thus, it is possible for someone to reside in one state but ask that the card be returned to another state, thus rendering the area number less than “area specific.”

Group numbers
Digits four and five in the SSN are referred to as group numbers. They are used to identify the block of numbers currently being issued. As an example, the SSNs 123-01-0001 through 123-01-9999 would all be issued before moving on to the next group number.

Serial numbers
Digits six through nine are known as serial numbers. They are issued consecutively from 0001 to 9999.

What can be learned about a person simply be dissecting their social security number? Not much. Only the state in which they lived when they applied for the number for those issued prior to 1972 and the state noted in the return address for those applied for after 1972. If you were so inclined, however, by memorizing the following table you would likely correctly “guess” the majority of people’s birth states knowing only the first three digits of their SSN. It wouldn’t get you much but it might win you some free beers in a “stupid bar tricks” competition.

SSN area numbers assigned by states

001-003 New Hampshire
004-007 Maine
008-009 Vermont
010-034 Massachusetts
035-039 Rhode Island
040-049 Connecticut
050-134 New York
135-158 New Jersey
159-211 Pennsylvania
212-220 Maryland
221-222 Delaware
223-231 Virginia
691-699 Virginia
232-236 West Virginia
232 North Carolina
237-246 North Carolina
681-690 North Carolina
247-251 South Carolina
654-658 South Carolina
252-260 Georgia
667-675 Georgia
261-267 Florida
589-595 Florida
766-772 Florida
268-302 Ohio
303-317 Indiana
318-361 Illinois
362-386 Michigan
387-399 Wisconsin
400-407 Kentucky
408-415 Tennessee
756-763 Tennessee
416-424 Alabama
425-428 Mississippi
587-588 Mississippi
752-755 Mississippi
429-432 Arkansas
676-679 Arkansas
433-439 Louisiana
659-665 Louisiana
440-448 Oklahoma
449-467 Texas
627-645 Texas
468-477 Minnesota
478-485 Iowa
486-500 Missouri
501-502 North Dakota
503-504 South Dakota
505-508 Nebraska
509-515 Kansas
516-517 Montana
518-519 Idaho
520 Wyoming
521-524 Colorado
650-653 Colorado
525,585 New Mexico
648-649 New Mexico
526-527 Arizona
600-601 Arizona
764-765 Arizona
528-529 Utah
646-647 Utah
530 Nevada
680 Nevada
531-539 Washington
540-544 Oregon
545-573 California
602-626 California
574 Alaska
575-576 Hawaii
750-751 Hawaii
577-579 DC
580 Virgin Islands
580-584 Puerto Rico
596-599 Puerto Rico
586 Guam
586 American Samoa
586 Philippine Islands
700-728 Railroad Board


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Tax Deductions A Small Business Can Claim

Small-business owners need to be tax wise throughout the year, not just during tax season. The following checklist can help you take advantage of all the deductions you're legally entitled to. Many of these items require special consideration when deducting, so always consult with your accountant when preparing tax forms.

  • Auto expenses. Deductions can be made in one of two ways: either for actual miles driven or for all actual expenses related to business, including gasoline and repair costs.

  • Home office. Work with your tax adviser to determine the percentage of your home that is dedicated to business.

  • Bank charges related to business, including check charges, monthly charges, bank wire fees or overdraft fees.

  • Interest and fees on business debt.

  • Taxes: sales tax on business purchases, real estate tax on business property, employer's share of employment taxes, excise taxes and, in some instances, state income tax (may be listed as an itemized deduction on federal tax return).

  • Ongoing costs of doing business, including utilities, shipping, office supplies, advertising and marketing (including sponsorships), rental or lease payments (property and equipment), telephone and Internet charges, software licenses, travel expenses, janitorial maintenance, landscaping and grounds maintenance, office/building repairs and equipment repairs.

  • Depreciation (scheduled decline in value of depreciable assets). Consult with your tax adviser to maximize your deductible amounts.

  • Purchase of office equipment and furniture and business vehicles. (Certain percentages can be deducted the year of purchase. This varies for new and used items, so consult with your tax adviser.)

  • Business-insurance premiums.

  • Business gifts.

  • Professional fees (legal, accounting/bookkeeping, architectural, business consulting and marketing consulting).

  • Business-related education, such as seminars, classes, educational tapes or CDs and conventions.

  • Trade-show exhibition and/or attendance, including travel, meals, admission fees and costs of booths/exhibitions.

  • Trade-related journal subscriptions, books and other literature.

  • Retirement contributions. (These can be tricky, so consult with your tax adviser.)

  • Fees paid to credit bureaus, better business bureaus, chambers of commerce and trade associations.

  • Health-insurance premiums.

  • Social Security payments (one-half of payments can be deducted if you're self-employed).

  • Moving expenses.

  • Charitable contributions.

  • Losses from theft, fraud, business-property/contents damage not covered by insurance.

The Do Not Fly List

Terrorist groups have already used their "terrorisim by airplaine card". They won’t use it again, why? It’s because we’re expecting them to! Do you really think terrorist will attack us in a way that we are expecting them to? The terrorists know that if they try to jack another plane the public have no qualms with risking their lives or even dying to stop their plans. Back in the "good ol’ days", terrorists would jack a plane to scare, intimidate and try to push forward their political purpose. Then for the most part, everyone would get let go. Since 9-11, air traveler’s have the "OH, HELL NO" attitude, and will jump a terrorist at first blush. Which makes me think, when was the last time you heard of a hijacking since 9-11? Oh yeah, NONE!! That’s because every time any fool even thought about it, the passengers and crew shut them down HARD and FAST!

We need to be looking where we are not. (good luck with that one right). The reason 9-11 happened is because of our collective lack of imagination. 9-11 was so devestating because it was completely outside the realm of our imagination. No one would have ever imagined that it would be possible to hijack that many airplanes simultaneously, and to accurately destroy so many high profile targets at the same time.

The airport security we know is a complete facade. I used to be employed by a major airline at a major airport as an aircraft cabin cleaner. The first day I went through the back-end security, I started laughing out loud! (and this was well after 9-11). So here I am just some guy with an electric cart loaded with all sorts of boxes, bottles, bags etc. And there is just some "rent-a-guard" at the gate that just gives my cart a cursory "look over". Oh yeah, these cursory "look over’s" ARE RANDOM! I would go days and days with out doing much more than just swipe my badge and the gate goes up.

The scary thing is, in order to get this level of trust and ACCESS to aircraft and passenger’s lives is to simply not have been convicted of a felony and to be able to pass a basic background check. So any terrorist group could easily come up with some guy who has a clean record, to get a job with an airline, working on the ramp, in order to get access to aircraft to be able to carry out some plot. It’s a piece of cake AND SCARY AS HELL!!

Quizno's Faulty Business Model

I’m a big fan of sandwiches, and I have been to many sandwich shops. I would love to go to lunch one day with the CEO of Quizno’s to demonstrate how stupid their business model is. So here’s the scene: You show up to the shop and the first thing you notice is that the glass window that protects the toppings is covered in a giant ad sticker, so that you cannot see the toppings. Second, you have the meat, bread and cheese toasted (that’s great), then they wrap it up and hand it to you with a bare minimum of toppings. Heaven forbid you like to have EVERYTHING on your sandwich, you then have to UNWRAP and DISSAMBLE your sandwich to go over to a litltle cart that has additional toppings on it. So my question to the CEO would be, how does this make sense that I have to dissamble my sandwich in order to put on it what I wanted on it in the first place?

I don’t know, maybe I expect too much, But apparantly the other sandwich makers, such as Subway, find it rather easy to do the sandwich up the way I want it while they are building it! They will even toast it for you too! Simply AMAZING!!