Monday, October 6, 2008

Is America Looking The Wrong Direction AGAIN?

The economy is on its knees, begging for mercy. Our financial institutions are in falling like flies. American's trust in the economy and trust in the government are at an all time low.

Do we realize that we are now primed for a devastating terrorist attack? Is America ramping up its vigilance? Is national security on people's minds? My prayer is that I would hope so. But since I haven't heard any news or any rumors at all about keeping up our national security, my fear is that we are sitting ducks, primed for a far more devastating terrorist attack than September 11. What better opportunity would a group have to attack a country they hate? Hitting us when we are on our knees financially, I'm afraid, could tip us into a full-blown depression; and ruin our country.

America is notorious for being a reactive rather than being a PROACTIVE nation. The proof is in front of us every day. We have known for years that the sub prime mortgages were going to catch up to us someday, yet we did nothing about it, until the bottom fell out of the market. Now we are in REACT mode trying to fix so many years of bad judgment and shoddy financial products. Prior to September 11, America knew of Osama bin Laden. Had him in our sites even. We were not proactive. We all know how that turned out.

I am afraid that we are in an extremely vulnerable position now for devastating terror attacks. America, I believe, is more concerned with the current economic crisis and is completely oblivious to another potential 9-11 scale of attack.

Now is the time for American vigilance. Now is the time to ramp up security. Now is the time to be looking at the "unimaginable" scenarios- looking where we have never thought to look before.

Now is the time to pray we are not attacked.

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